Thursday, November 30, 2017

Alluaudia procera 'Madagascar Octillo'

Alluadia procera is an unusual and whimsical succulent plant with vertical stems. The stems on the Alluadia procera are covered with pairs of small rounded leaves and sharp gray spines arranged in neat and orderly rows in channels along the plant’s stems. In their native Madagascar, this wood is used for building and charcoal.

 The Alluadia procera was first described by Drake del Castillo 

Paris  1903.

This wonderful succulent is scarcely branched or occasionally columnar, a small succulent tree with a very upright habit that looks a lot like a “crown of thorns”. The Alluadia procera plant can grow rather tall, 1,5-3 m high indoors and up to 60 foot tall in its native haunts but cultivated plant rarely surpass the 26 feet tall.  
The stem in this succulent is almost unbranched, thin and corrugated tube-like. It is covered with regularly spaced sharp, conical, tapering thorns and leaves arranged in parallel tracts spiraling up the trunk. The stem is a beautiful bone white color and lignifies as the plant ages and will reach a diameter of 6 inches at the base. 
The leaves are small, oval or rounded, green succulent that bud right off the trunk. The leaves clothe the stems during the warm wet season, but will often drop during any lengthy dry periods or with the onset of winter. This plant flowers yellowish white crowded clusters at the end of the branches. Flowers will be produced in mature specimens.
Alluaudia procera, or Madagascar Ocotillo in many ways it resembles the American Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) with red flowers. Both have small rounded leaves and grayish trunks with a lot of spines, but that is where the similarities and in fact they belong to two different families. This is a perfect example of convergent evolution, unrelated plants adapting similar shapes and survival strategies in response to the same environmental conditions.
Cultivation:Alluaudia procera needs full sun or high interior lighting with a very well-drained soil well-drained circulating air. Plants are watered and allowed to dry thoroughly before watering again. If fertilizer is used, it should be diluted to ¼ (one-quarter) the recommended rate on the label. 
It is a frost tender species that must be protected in the greenhouse over the winter but established plants should tolerate temperatures as low as 0° C (Avoid any frost!). If grown in the home environment, the ideal temperatures should run between 68° to 70° F. During the winter months, the plant will drop all of its leaves and no water should be given during this period. Not freely branching. Once this plant is established in its new pot, it should be cut back to 7-10 cm in height to encourage branching. The cutting removed can be rooted easily, and the process repeated. 
If pruned and kept somewhat pot bound, they can be maintained at a manageable size, depending on what “manageable size” means to you. If planted in the landscape, however, It will often drop all its leaves when it decides to take a rest. When this happens, cut down on the watering until the leaves start to appear again. 
Alluadia procera is often grown in containers as a houseplant in a bright location and can be kept in a pot for an extended period. It has a similar form to Ocotillo and works well as a specimen

Plant in larger xeriscape plantings, rock and cactus gardens. The plant is covered with sharp spines and should be located away from pedestrian traffic. It is both fire and deer resistant.

This plant can be propagated from stem cuttings and seed. The plant is dioecious so male and female plants are needed to set seed. Plants establish easily after transplantation.
This is a terrific plant for those in warmer, drier areas who want something ‘different’ looking- maybe even a bit weird. Nothing is quite like it for adding interest to gardens, especially when plants are grown in multiples and allowed to create a mini-forest. It has some tough, sharp spines, but because of its very upright trunks, this is rarely a problem while walking around. 

Special notes:

  • Alluadia procera is an unusual perennial, succulent, columnar plant with many vertical stems. Each is covered with alternating pairs of small rounded leaves and sharp gray spines arranged in channels along the plant’s stems.
  • Older plants do flower with inconspicuous flowers arranged in thyrses (similar in structure to grape flowers) at the branch tips. Vertical stems of Alluadia procera can reach 50 feet in their native habitat but are more likely to be half that size in California.
  • Despite its common name, Alluadia procera is not related to the red-blooming Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) from the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico, but instead, it is related to Portulacaria afra.
  • Alluaudia is an endangered plant that is part of a rich and biologically diverse ecosystem called the Madagascar Spiny Forests. Several Lemur species feed on Alluadia. It is endangered largely from habitat loss, but it is also collected and used as a living fence and as a source of charcoal in its native habitat. in any garden or landscape, anywhere in the country. The fascinating plants, usually have fleshy leaves, plump stems, and roots that are used for storing water in dry seasons. You will find them n a wide array of shapes, sizes, foliage colors, flowers, and often unique frills and bristles. Thanks to Mother Nature and evolution, many can tolerate hard freezes. Click To Read More.[/su_spoiler]
 Old-hand gardeners know for best success indoor cactus and succulent plants require a certain amount of neglect.
We Adopt ~ Breed ~ Rescue ~ Transport  ~ Rehabilitate
Crazy Critters Inc. is a Private Non-Profit, 501(c)3, Exotic Animal Rescue and Sanctuary. Our Wildlife Facility is located in Eustis, Florida. We provide permanent homes to over 200 animals including lizards, turtles, skinks, geckos, birds, and assorted wildlife. Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home.
Mostly Tortoises and Turtles call Crazy Critters Inc. home. What makes us unique is that after adoption, Crazy Critters Inc. continues to share the lives of the pets on social media. Providing an additional continued connection. When an animal finds its way to Crazy Critters, it has found a forever home.
Everyone in our community benefits when donors put their funds together to help protect animals and our environment. And the fact that the animals can call this a forever home makes it that much better. Your monetary donations help provide veterinary care, food, and supplies to the animals in our care.
In keeping with our commitment to a quality life for the animals here at the sanctuary, we provide a diet created specifically for each animal’s needs, the best veterinary care, enrichment programs for the animals, and maintain their spacious, safe habitats.
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We Grow Crazy Plants To Care For Crazy Critters!

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Assorted Cactus Species

While the cactus plant is reputed to be impossible to kill indoor, presumably because of their desert roots.

Unfortunately, if you care for indoor cacti as you do other houseplants, your cacti are most likely doomed to failure…

–Indeed, You will be sentencing them to a premature death.

Once you understand their needs, however, your indoor cacti will thrive.

Have you ever heard the saying, “I could kill a cactus.”

Pot a desert cactus in a mix of 1 part peat moss, 1 part garden soil and 1  part sand, or a prepackaged mix designed specifically for cacti. Transplant in the spring after the cactus has grown within 1/4 inch of the sides of the pot, but don’t allow it too much extra space — the next pot size up will be adequate.
 Place indoor cacti in a window facing south, if possible. Choose an east- or west-facing window otherwise. Supplement with additional bright light for a total of 12 to 18 hours a day during the cacti’s growing season to encourage flowering. 

Maintain a relative humidity of 10 percent to 30 percent and a temperature between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit — glass windows with the direct sun can get extremely warm, so keep a thermometer nearby. A hygrometer will help you keep tabs on humidity.

Water cacti when the top 1/2 inch of the growing medium is dry to the touch. Soak the medium thoroughly and allow it to drain when watering — do not leave the cacti constantly sitting in a dish of water, as this encourages rot. 

Feed cacti from spring to fall with 5-10-10 fertilizer every two to three months, but do not feed immediately after transplantation.

Move cacti to a location where the temperature ranges from 45 to 55 so they can go dormant for the winter. 
Water sparingly and from the bottom, just often enough to keep the plants from shriveling — even watering once a week may be excessive, depending on the plant and growing medium. Stop feeding cacti during their dormant period.

Things You Will Need

  • Peat moss (optional)
  • Garden soil (optional)
  • Sand (optional)
  • Cactus potting mix (optional)
  • Pots
  • Hygrometer
  • Thermometer
  • 5-10-10 fertilizer


Watch for flower buds to form and monitor the moisture level of the cacti’s growing medium.
When water uptake increases and buds are developing, the plant is no longer dormant and will need to be provided with care appropriate for the growing season.

“Cacti” and “Succulent” are general terms. Cacti belong to a specific family of plants, but the species within that family come from some very different habitats. Many cacti, such as those in the genus Ferocactus, are in fact true desert dwellers. Others, such as those in the genus Echinopsis, live in the grasslands of South America, those in the genus Oreocereus live in the high Andes mountains, and those in the genus Epiphyllum live in jungles and don’t even live in the ground, but upon other plants.
 Old-hand gardeners know for best success indoor cactus and succulent plants require a certain amount of neglect. 

We Adopt ~ Breed ~ Rescue ~ Transport  ~ Rehabilitate

Crazy Critters Inc. is a Private Non-Profit, 501(c)3, Exotic Animal Rescue and Sanctuary. Our Wildlife Facility is located in Eustis, Florida. We provide permanent homes to over 200 animals including lizards, turtles, skinks, geckos, birds, and assorted wildlife. Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home.
Mostly Tortoises and Turtles call Crazy Critters Inc. home. What makes us unique is that after adoption, Crazy Critters Inc. continues to share the lives of the pets on social media. Providing an additional continued connection. When an animal finds its way to Crazy Critters, it has found a forever home.
Everyone in our community benefits when donors put their funds together to help protect animals and our environment. And the fact that the animals can call this a forever home makes it that much better. Your monetary donations help provide veterinary care, food, and supplies to the animals in our care.
In keeping with our commitment to a quality life for the animals here at the sanctuary, we provide a diet created specifically for each animal’s needs, the best veterinary care, enrichment programs for the animals, and maintain their spacious, safe habitats.
Click DONATE to make a safe Paypal Transaction, of any amount. Every single dollar adds up! We will contact you by email to see how you would like your sponsorship recognized. We appreciate our community! We are always looking for corporate sponsors who believe in a mission such as ours

REMEMBER: All donations are tax-deductible!

We Grow Crazy Plants To Care For Crazy Critters!

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