Crazy Critters Inc. is a Non-Profit, 501(c)3, Private Exotic Animal Rescue, Sanctuary, and Conservancy.
This Wildlife Facility is located in Eustis, Florida. Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home. At the moment the facility houses animals including lizards, turtles, skinks, geckos, and birds.
Animals are not on display as in a zoo setting, instead, we provide animal education during private events.
We walk around and tour a little of our food forest. Less than one year old we have a pretty good variety. We have planted Mangos, Papaya, Guava, Gin Berry, Cherry, Peach, Mulberry, Dragon Fruit, Opuntia, Lemon Grass, Sugar Cane, Banana, Loquat, and lots of other plants using an amateur symbolic system. We are lacking more of the nutrient fixing plants for the chop and drop part of our natural method but remember we have just began our food forest.
We also have to look into one of the turtle ponds to check on some turtles to ensure they are still doing well after coming to the facility with shell issues.
Algae growing on a turtle shell is normal. In fact, most wild turtles have some algae growing on their carapace. That being said you can’t completely ignore the algae on the shell. There is a possibility that it is hiding something due to a previous disease or infection.
Sometimes algae will grow under partially shed scutes, which could cause water to accumulate and a local shell problem like shell rot may develop. This is rare.
Believe it or not, algae in the turtle tank can be a good thing. While it looks a bit messy, it helps to clean the water and provide a more sterile environment.
To remove algae from the turtle, brush it with a SOFT brush (old toothbrush). It may take a bit of work to remove all the algae so be patient and gentle with your pet turtle.
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Hey guys!
Today we are finding tortoise nests... with or without eggs. Also, we share the plant stock available at the Crazy Plants Nursery for June 18-20 and share a few of the residents so you know what you are supporting when you come to a plant sale fundraiser.
This update includes the bat, the birds, and lots of turtles.
We constructed a small greenhouse to grow food for the animal facility and it was not long before we realized plants were a great way to provide revenue that could help us grow.
The Crazy Plants Nursery is located at 22919 County Road 44a, Eustis Florida, 33736. We are a small greenhouse that is open to the public on certain days that do change throughout the season.
Please come out to support the 501c3 nonprofit exotic animal sanctuary and conservancy called Crazy Critters Inc. Our summer operating hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10-3.
We constructed a small greenhouse to grow food for the animal facility and it was not long before we realized plants were a great way to provide revenue that could help us grow.
The Crazy Plants Nursery is located at 22919 County Road 44a, Eustis Florida, 33736. We are a small greenhouse that is open to the public on certain days that do change throughout the season.
Please come out to support the 501c3 nonprofit exotic animal sanctuary and conservancy called Crazy Critters Inc. Our summer operating hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10-3.
Please check out our Facebook page on days there is heavy rain in the forecast to ensure we are open because it is difficult to host guest in the agricultural environment of a nursery.
We try to open on some Wednesday's and even Sunday's anytime we have chores caught up here at the animal facility. You will have to check our Facebook pages on those days to see if we are on that day as we never know until the day of or before.
Here is our Google Map location so you can see where you are in comparison to us...
We are a SMALL nursery open to the PUBLIC!
Cash Only
No Discounts
Licensed Nursery
High-Quality Plants
Sales Tax Is Included
We Do Not Ship Plants
Can Do Wholesale Qty
We Can Not Hold Plants
Located in Eustis, Florida
Pick-up and Pick-out Only
We understand that it is so nice to come out to a plant nursery with a companion and will accommodate as much as we can.
Since we are such a small nursery, we are happy to host you and your family. Regardless if it is your dog or child, we ask you to ensure they are always monitored. Often, children come in and touch the plants. Others allow their dogs to pee on our plants.
This causes stress and damage to stock that we need to sell to raise money.
Please subscribe to our Youtube channel and help us continue to grow by clicking this link...
We are doing a bird update today. This video includes Rambo the Harlequin Macaw, Hunter the Blue, and Gold Macaw, Billy the Indian Ringneck Parakeet, Q-Bird the Quaker Parrot, and the two Mynah Birda we call R2 D2.
Please subscribe to our Youtube channel and help us continue to grow by clicking this link...
Our stock is always changing. I think it is because we sell at near wholesale prices but I really know it is because we are supported by the best people who make time out of their days to take a drive to our location.
It is unbelievable how many things we are able to accomplish because we have the greenhouse nursery's revenue. Now that we carry produce, we hope to increase that. With the increased revenue will be more organized days and operating hours.
When we have the brown barn cleaned out, we will have a place to be while it is storming. But you guys, that does not mean we will still be that typical trusted company. We will occasionally have emergency rescues and other situations we will have to attend to. As this year has come and almost gone, we have worked ourselves into at least three days per week to be open and scheduling all the animal work we do around those days. Please continue to show us support and we promise we are going to create a place to be, even in the rain.
We are raising funds for a project that will construct the second perimeter around the animal facility to comply with regulations so we can upgrade our permits with FWC to do rehabilitation and headstarting to release native species. It is a long road when you are following all of the rules and laws set forth by the government. But we are so happy to do this correctly and without any debt from loans. You will not just find succulent species because we carry lots of cactus, tropicals, and edible plants too.
We are so excited to add fresh farm produce to our stock. This week we have... Oranges Cucumbers California Romaine Red Onions Idaho Potatoes Yellow Squash Zucchini Squash Pickles Kosher Spears Tomatoes Bananas Papaya Collard Greens
Please come out to support the 501c3 nonprofit exotic animal sanctuary and conservancy called Crazy Critters Inc. Here is a recent video on our Facebook page that shows our current stock...
The Crazy Plants Nursery is a small greenhouse located at 22919 County Road 44a in Eustis, Florida was constructed to raise funds for Crazy Critters Inc.
We are open Thursday thru Saturday from 10-3.
INTERESTING PLANTS; 2" Succulents and Cactus starting at $1.75 3" Succulents and Cactus $2.50 4" Succulents and Cactus $3.50 - $4.50 Airplants $3.50 Hoya $5 Spath $2 and $10 Large Airplants $8
WHERE ARE WE? Here is our Google Map location so you can see where you are in comparison to us...
~ We Grow Crazy Plants So We Can Care For Crazy Critters! ~
Many plants are becoming more and more endangered. Just as the animals we protect, these plants are poached at great numbers. Added there are fewer insects to pollinate combined with the fact they face heavy habitat destruction. All of these reasons are why it is important to purchase from a nursery you can trust.
One that ensures that the plants are not stolen from the wild and at the same time legally obtain rare protected species for cultivation. Because extinct is forever. 112,400 species Currently, there are more than 112,400 species on
The IUCN Red List, with more than 30,000 species threatened with extinction, including 41% of amphibians, 34% of conifers, 33% of reef-building corals, 25% of mammals and 14% of birds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Crazy Plants Nursery is a small greenhouse located at 22919 County Road 44a in Eustis, Florida. The Crazy Plants Nursery was constructed to raise funds for Crazy Critters Inc.
Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home. The sanctuary has adopted animals including reptiles, birds, and assorted wildlife. Once brought to the facility, these exotic animals are housed in naturalistic settings. Allowing propagation that is used for conservation.
Currently, this facility houses species of animals listed on CITES. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an international treaty to prevent species from becoming endangered or extinct because of international trade.
Adding, the Crazy Critters organization has produced offspring from species currently found on the IUCN's Red List. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.
Crazy Critters Inc. is a self-funded organization that depends on the greenhouse nursery to pay for the cost of housing exotic animals. The facility grows and sells species of plants such as succulent and cactus to support the care of the animals. Many too are listed on the IUCN's Redlist. Feel free to contact us with questions requests and comments. #plantsalefundraiser#crazyplantsforcrazycritters#Nonprofitorganization
So many chores each day at a facility as large as Crazy Critters Inc. On this day, we noticed a problem with Fluffy the Argus Monitor when I went in to feed her some venison. As the day went on we fed some fruit to Davinchi the Mexican Spiny Tail iguana, Gora the Tegu Lizard, and the green iguana group led by Mr. Iggnacuios.
I guess the heat is why all of the lizards are acting so hyper and aggressive this week. I almost got a bite!!! Multiple times! From multiple animals. Just the most unusual!!!
But it is all just a food response added by the confusion of moving and revamping enclosures.
Click to read more about Monitor care...
Click to read more about Iguana care...
Click to read more about Tegu lizard care... subscribe to our Youtube channel and help us continue to grow by clicking this link...
~ Adopt ~ Breed ~ Rescue ~ Transport ~ Rehabilitate ~
Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home. The sanctuary has adopted animals including reptiles, birds, and assorted wildlife.
Once brought to the facility, these exotic animals are housed in naturalistic settings. Allowing propagation that is used for conservation.
Currently, this facility houses species of animals listed on CITES. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an international treaty to prevent species from becoming endangered or extinct because of international trade.
Adding, the Crazy Critters organization has produced offspring from species currently found on the IUCN's Red List. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.
Crazy Critters Inc. is a self-funded organization that depends on the greenhouse nursery to pay for the cost of housing exotic animals. The facility grows and sells species of plants such as succulent and cactus to support the care of the animals. Many too are listed on the IUCN's Redlist.
We Grow Crazy Plants So We Can Care For Crazy Critters!
Follow us on our journey as we build our Herp Haven called Crazy Critters!
We share as we build, make mistakes, learn, and grow! Find us on most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and more!
Please like, share, follow, and subscribe.
If you or your company would like to help a cause like ours, please contact us. Or use our donation page! Remember all donations are tax-exempt! Please click this link to our website to find secure donation buttons with GoFundMe and Paypal....
Feel free to contact us with questions requests and comments.
We are Amazon Affiliates! Here are links to our recommended products. Shop from here and we will receive ten percent commission! That is the same as making a donation!!
If you do not like our recommendations, that is ok! Choose the brand of product you like after clicking these links We will still receive two percent commission! It is a win-win!
Succulent & Cacti Care Book
Animal Care Products
Reptile Calcium
Reptile Lighting
Reptile Water & Food Bowl
Soaking Pond
Aquarium Heater
Pond Heater
Aquarium Filter
Starter Kits For Your Animals!
Baby Tortoises
Bearded Dragons and Other Desert Reptiles
Snakes, Frogs and Lizards
Geckos and Insects
Miles and Miles of Reptiles. Dr. Suess Book
Turtles, Tortoises, and Terrapins Natural History Book
Diagnostic Imaging Book for adults
While keeping a tortoise indoors is not the preferred option, you can provide the proper type of enclosure to make it more acceptable. For all captive animals, it is ideal to provide a home as similar to the animal’s natural environment as possible.
This is especially true for tortoises. Tortoises are generally best kept in outdoor pens in climates similar to their natural environment.
Tortoise tables allow excellent air flow and a low humidity level; which is ideal for the Mediterranean, African and Russian tortoises.Tortoise tables allow excellent air flow and a low humidity level; which is ideal for the Mediterranean, African and Russian tortoises.
Lighting Is Important For Tortoises…
One of the biggest problems with indoor housing is providing adequate floor space. Remember that most tortoises get quite large and are very strong. So a correspondingly large enclosure is needed. In addition, you’ll want something that is relatively easy to clean and that gives you the ability to set up different temperature zones for the tortoise.
Click to purchase this tortoise table
Ultraviolet light and heat sources should be spaced to create a thermal gradient. This provides warmer and cooler areas for turtle thermoregulation. Plants and rocks can be used to provide a variety of microclimates.
In the wild, most reptiles are able to synthesize vitamin D3 from the UV in sunlight. Together with proper heat, this vitamin helps turtles metabolize dietary calcium. Many chelonians extract a large percentage of their daily vitamin D3 from food, but food alone is inadequate. So, chelonians housed indoors are highly dependent upon sufficient amounts of artificial lighting.
A UVB source helps turtles synthesize vitamin D3. Mercury vapor bulbs may fulfill both basking warmth and UVB requirements, but be aware that no bulb is as effective as sunlight in supplying vital UVB. All enclosure lighting is best located at the opposite end from the hiding areas. As stated earlier, this helps provide the best temperature gradient.
Skip the Aquarium
A glass tank is the not the best option for tortoise housing. Likewise, for the majority of aquatic turtles, even the largest glass tanks are just too small and have poor ventilation. Big tanks are also hard to maneuver and clean.
Tortoises need lots of floor space for roaming around.
Unless the tank is very large, providing a proper temperature gradient for a tortoise is too difficult in a glass tank. In addition, tortoises seem to prefer non-transparent enclosures because they feel very exposed and vulnerable with glass-sided tanks and often spend a lot of time trying to push through the transparent glass as well.
Turtle Tables
A homemade wooden enclosure is usually the preferred method for indoor housing. You will see these called turtle tables or tortoise tables. Essentially, these are a large wooden box with lots of floor space and fairly short sides. Typically, UVA/UVB lighting and heat lamps can be suspended over the wooden enclosure to provide the light and heat needs. Some sort of shallow water supply is also necessary.
Housing exotic species together presents a problem regarding the disease. Housing species with drastically different habit needs or lodging carnivores with herbivores can lead to disaster. Knowing the native ecosystem of your animal is critical. Many habitats vary in temperature, humidity, and photoperiod.
It is constructed of high-quality moisture resistant MDF
Its dimensions are approximately 48-inch by 30-inch by 29
It is ideal for greek, Russian and other tortoise species
Go Natural Or Line Your Table!
Make your organic soil using mulch, topsoil, and coconut husk. Terrarium liners provide pet owners with a safe, easy to clean substrate alternative.
This material is constructed with a durable, absorbent material that will not irritate the skin of your reptile or amphibian pet.
This substrate is also easy to clean because you simply rinse with hot water and then allow it to air dry. The material lasts.
Many manufactured substrates, particularly those made of hard plastic, are harsh on reptiles’ undersides and feet and can eventually lead to skin irritation and puncture wounds.
Other Options
For smaller tortoises, some owners use plastic storage containers.
These have the advantage of being quite lightweight (so they are easy to clean) and they come in pretty large sizes.
However, they do have tall sides, so ventilation may become an issue. Cutting down the sides or drilling holes for ventilation are options to modify them.
You Should Occasionally Provide Outdoor Light… Even For Indoor Tortoises
It is imperative that the tortoise has adequate shade/shelter from the elements. The best place for the outdoor run/house is in an area with as much all day sun as possible, with well-drained soil. Tortoises love to dig and bury so a sand and soil mix is an excellent substrate. Hides, a water dish and other features such as wooden bridges and edible plants such as dandelions can be added to the enclosure.
Tortoises do, however, have predators such as large birds, foxes, and other pets. This means that no matter what style of outdoor accommodation you choose, you need to ensure that a wire mesh lid is fitted for the safety of your tortoise.
COMPACT FOOTPRINT: Its compact, low footprint design easily fits a smaller space. This rabbit starter kit makes small animal ownership possible without sacrificing a whole lot of room!
WELL DESIGNED: Designed with your pet in mind, the corner enclosed area is designed for privacy and rest while the extra-large run offers a more open style built for play.
EASILY ACCESSIBLE: We’ve made things simple for you with a side door and top section that can be opened and closed for easy access to the inside space for cleaning, feeding, and other routine tasks.
WEATHER RESISTANT: Made of durable weather resistant fir wood and a water-resistant composite asphalt roof, this rabbit hutch will keep your furry friends dry and safe for years to come.
OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 63.75″ L x 63.75″ W x 24″ H
Mesh cover folds open on both sides
Metal hinges and hard plastic latches on doors and clips to secure cover (included)