Friday, January 29, 2021

How to teach your PARROT to PAINT! (BIRD enrichment DIY)

Watch Hunter the Blue and Gold Macaw Parrot begin to learn to paint. It has been fun working with her and you know what? It has calmed her down so much!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Easement Issue At Crazy Critters Inc Told By Ken Purvee

In Florida, a fence can be considered a nuisance if its construction was motivated by malice, rather than a legitimate purpose such as preventing trespassing or vandalism.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Havin' a RHEA Good Time Raising Rhea BIRDS'

To develop strong bodies and legs, the rhea must have room to run and exercise. Birds that are provided with lots of room have less chance of developing leg problems and are less apt to eat droppings that are associated with overcrowding. Check out this video from our Youtube channel. These birds are CRAZY!!!!